Water vs Electric

Awal kan update. Hehehe... ceritanya air tak ada kat rumah... Dah la dgn nk pi keja, adik nk pi sek. Huru hara betol. Seharusnya pagi2 bangun dgn ceria, tapi air tak ada..apa pown x boleh buat...huhu


For me, water is more important than electric. But somehow electric also important to us. Imagine if these two did not exist in the world anymore. Electric is ok I think, but how about water? Can u imagine dunia kering kontang x ada air??? Huhuhu nauzubillah..
Ape-ape pown pihak berkuasa must let all citizen know when the water is not available. Menyusahkan taw x jadi mcm ni. Fine korang nk buat keja, but do tell us. Air tak ada semua kerja tak jadi. Mandi, membasuh, masak...semua tu pakai air.
So, as a conclusion, kalo air x ada...pi lah cari air. Tak yah dok tggu kat pili air. Air tak akan keluar punya. Hahaha... For me, dtg keja awal2 sementara org tak dtg....hehehehe
Lots of love by TheTiramisuLovers

Think Positive


Lama x update. Contest pown no idea what to write. So, I let it go just like that. These few days probably week, been thinking a lot of things. Make me stress. Ooucch! -_-"
Everybody know what is stress. Maybe have faced it. But how to avoid it???? As a conclusion, learn stress management...hahahaha

Stress with work, daily lifetime is normal. I'm not a person who ate lots if stress. Because I'm afraid to gain weights. Satu masalah plak nanti. Hahahaha >.<
When I'm faced problem during working. I'll story to my fiancĂ©e. Because he's knowledgeable, and know how to solve problem. Perempuan biasalah, bila marah, sedih dah tak boleh pikir apa2 dah kan. As he said, in working life, you can't protect somebody because want to save their job because of personal matter. Working life is competitive place. When you late, the others will cut you. And if you too care about others job, how about your jobs? When you faced your boss, never back up your colleague which is non your business. Why??? In reverse they will put a blame on you.
We do care about people because of humanity. But, do they really care us to??? So, buat baik berpada-pada, buat jahat jgn sekali.
When it's come to family problem. Never ever told others. If you faced stress because of family problem, try to solve by your own. You know, mulut manusia bukan mcm mulut tempayan boleh ditutup. Nanti x sampai 5 minit u cerita kat A, nanti B,C,D semua taw your problem. Itu dah mcm bukak pekung di dada. Kan...So try to solved by your own. Learn psychology, that will give benefit to you.
How much problem that we got, actually Allah S.W.T give it to us. He want to test how strong our Iman. Jangan jadi mcm orang yg berfikiran pendek, ada masalah sikit, lari, bunuh diri. Berdosa taw. Bkn boleh masuk syurga pown buat mcm tu. Dia tahu setiap umatnya boleh hadapi masalah2 yg Dia bagi sebab Dia x akan bagi masalah melebihi tahap keupayaan setiap manusia itu sendiri.

Lots of love by TheTiramisuLovers

Resepi Fillet Isi Ketam Goreng


Lama betol x update. Sibuk sikit. Hari ni nk share resepi plak. Hehehe..bkn terror sgt pown tapi sebab mood "Rajin" dah dtg....so, Alhamdulillah... lah kan. Kalo penyakit "M" a.k.a Malas datang..ape pown x jadi...hehehehe

Weekend baru2 ni buat kudap2 sikit. X sampai sehari licin! Laku betol kudap2 kite... :)

Bahan-bahan yg sangat2 mudah nk cari:

1kg Fillet Isi Ketam (bila dh goreng boleh dpt satu balang penuh)
Daun Kari (untuk buang bau hanyir dan ada bau2 kari sikit)
Minyak masak (untuk menggoreng)


1) Carik2 fillet ketam tu halus2..
2) Bila dah siap, basuh fillet ketam yg telah dicarik2 tu
3) Goreng dalam minyk yg panas....masa goreng tu boh sekali daun kari

Note: Saya x boh apa2 perisa sbb rasa dia dh sedap dah..isi ketam kan manis2... :)

Mai tgk gmbr cikit....

Fillet isi ketam yg dicarik2 halus....

Guna sampai 2 kuali sbb nk cepat..hehehe... 

Dah siap! yey.... :)

Orang laen dh bnyk yg try tapi kite baru nk try...hahahaha. Anyway, selamat mencuba kalian.. :)

Lots of love by TheTiramisuLovers